TryHackme Advent of Cyber 2023 — Day 17 Notes


It is worth remembering the following protocol numbers to help with filtering later:
ICMP = 1, IPv4 = 4, TCP = 6, and UDP =17

Task 1: Which version of SiLK is installed on the VM.

It already provides the commands in the challenge so let’s use:
$ silk_config -v

$ rwfileinfo

If you would like a quicker way of getting the information I used the following:
$ rwfileinfo |egrep -i “version|count”

Task 2: What is the size of the flows in the count records.

So with the above command we have been able to answer task 1 & 2.

Task 3: What is the start time (sTime) of the sixth record in the file.

We can use the rwcut command provided but with a couple of pipes to get the answer we need with:
$ rwcut –fields=sTime –num-recs=10 |head -6 |tail -1

Task 4: What is the destination port of the sixth UDP record.

In this task we are going to use the rwfilter with the rwcut and making sure we use proto 17 which is UDP using:
$ rwfilter –proto=17 –pass=stdout |rwcut –num-recs=10 |head -6 |tail -1

Task 5: What is the record value (%) of the dport 53.

Using rwstats with the following filters we can get the % using:
$ rwstats –fields=dPort –values=records,packets,bytes,sIP-Distinct,dIP-Distinct, –count=3

Task 6: What is the number of bytes transmitted by the top talker on the network.

Task 7: What is the sTime value of the first DNS record going to port 53.

Task 8: What is the IP address of the host that the C2 potentially controls. (In defanged format: 123[.]456[.]789[.]0 )

So we can find the IP adderess but then we need to amend it to the following 175[.]175[.]173[.]221:

Task 9: Which IP address is suspected to be the flood attacker (In defanged format: 123[.]456[.]789[.]0 ).

The IP for this task I have highlighted in green 175[.]175[.]173[.]223:

Task 10: What is the sent SYN packet’s number of records.

To get the number of records we use the following:
$ rwstats –fields=sIP,dIP –values=records,bytes,packets –count=10

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